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Please click the pictures below to complete the steps necessary to prepare for our appointment. If you have any questions, or run into any problems, please call us at 800-355-3381.
CMS required disclosure: "We may not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent multiple companies offering multiple Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, and Medicare Part D plans. Information we provide will mostly pertain to plans we offer in your area. You may visit , call 1-800-MEDICARE, or contact your local State Health Insurance Program office to get information on all of your options. Neither Courter Financial Services, LLC, nor any of its agents are affiliated with, employed by, or sponsored by the U.S. Government or Medicare."
That said, we will gladly continue to provide details on any plan for which we can find information (whether that plan is available on, or through an employer/retiree program). We believe it is our responsibility as independent insurance agents to provide as much information to you as possible so that you are fully informed before making such important decisions. While you're absolutely free to contact Medicare, we'd love the opportunity to speak with you, earn your trust, and assist with your Medicare related coverage needs for years to come!
478 Jacksonville Rd Bellefonte, PA 16823
We've been helping our clients save money (without sacrificing coverage) for over 50 years!